When Jesus made this statement, he was reclaiming the purpose for God's house, first and foremost, to be filled with prayer. Our mission is to help every church fulfill Christ’s call for us to be that house of prayer and to ready the church for Christ's return.
It is prayer that welcomes God's presence, it is prayer that leads us towards intimacy with the heart of the Father, and it is prayer that makes space for the work of the Holy Spirit in us and through us. In fact, it's when we spend time in the house of prayer that we begin to move from religion to relationship, from mere rhetoric to intimacy, and from simply just praying for provision to actually encountering God’s power.
Throughout the world we are mentoring believers to bridge the gap between an understanding of prayer and the actual practice of prayer. All of this happens when we utter five simple words, “Lord, teach me to pray.”
For over 25 years now the College of Prayer has been providing resources and gatherings that lead leaders towards intimacy with Christ and provide tools for building a house of prayer personally, in families, and in churches. By his grace we are now impacting 30 million+ church leaders in more than 200 nations and territories.
So, if you have a desire to see...
your church members grow in intimacy with Christ...
small groups that thrive...
the advancement of the Kingdom of God in your community and region...
then we want to serve and partner with you and your church!
"Prayer is so major we dare not minor in it any longer!"
Rev. Armin Gesswein

Take the first steps of building a house of prayer.
Our revival prayer resources provide a great entry point for small groups, churches, and families that want to grow in intimacy with Christ and begin building a house of prayer.
We have produced a number of high-quality, life-giving, faith-building, and biblically foundational video series on prayer and the deeper life. The good news is that these video series are all available for FREE on our Revival Now Media platform. We also have three podcast series for specific audiences and a number of books available for spiritual growth.
Provide a prayer infusion for your local church.
Revival Prayer Gatherings offer churches and families an opportunity to encounter God through a prayer-saturated weekend event. There are two primary gatherings that may be helpful for your local church:
Encountering God Weekend: A Prayer Infusion for the Local Church.
Weekend of HOPE: A Prayer Infusion for Families.
Build a house of prayer for all nations.
Hosting a College of Prayer campus at your local church is a great way to initiate a long-term strategy of sustained prayer and revival. It strengthens the house of prayer to withstand storms and time. The College of Prayer offers three courses of prayer mentorship and training spread out across six God-encountering modules.
Modules 1-2: "Lord, Teach Us to Pray!"
Modules 3-4: "Lord, As Families, Teach Us to Pray!"
Modules 5-6: "Lord, As Churches, Teach Us to Pray!"
Revival Now Media is our multi-platform channel that provides audio, video, and downloadable resources to our global audience. Our FREE content helps equip individuals, families, churches, and small groups with life-giving, Spirit-empowered, bible-based resources that will grow intimacy with God, increase faith, and strengthen kingdom leadership. The Revival Now Media app is available through the Apple iOS Store, Google Play Store, and Amazon Fire Store. People can also access our on-demand content through their streaming device channel store (Roku, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV). Through revival now we are leading people to a fresh encounter with Christ and equipping them to live lives empowered by the Holy Spirit. Our ultimate mission is to reach a lost world through a revived church!
Get in touch with us to learn more about our ministry and how we can partner with you. Feel free to ask any general questions or to schedule a meeting with someone from our team.