Hosting a College of Prayer campus at your local church is a great way to initiate a long-term strategy of sustained prayer and revival. It strengthens the house of prayer to stand through every season. A College of Prayer Campus offers three courses of prayer mentorship and training spread out across six God-encountering modules.
A College of Prayer Campus is usually hosted by a local church or group of people who have a hunger for God and are committed to building a local church or regional prayer movement utilizing the core principles and teachings of the College of Prayer. This includes gathering at least twice a year for three years of mentorship and teaching utilizing the three College of Prayer courses.

There are six modules spread across three courses that make up the core teachings of the College of Prayer. Each module contains six teaching sessions.
Modules 1-2: "Lord, Teach Us to Pray!"
Modules 3-4: "Lord, As Families, Teach Us to Pray!"
Modules 5-6: "Lord, As Churches, Teach Us to Pray!"
Each module provides an environment for a fresh encounter with Christ. More important than the teaching is the encounter. Our desire is not to just impart information, but to see transformation. We believe what the church is longing for today will not be found at another conference, but at the throne of God, and prayer is the entryway into the throne room. We have discovered there are five primary elements to an encounter with Christ:
High Worship
Deep Repentance
Freedom from Sin and Strongholds
Being Filled with the Holy Spirit
Empowered for Ministry

A College of Prayer campus is a partnership between a local church which hosts the campus and the College of Prayer. Our team is here to serve you as much or as little as you need us to. We are happy to provide you with mentorship on teaching and facilitating a campus, and we can also send someone on-site to help lead each module. We have a network of over 125 revivalists spread across the U.S. who have spent 3 or more years in our Revival Prayer Institute and are ready, willing, and able to come along side of you.
After a Module - Between College of Prayer modules we highly encourage you to set time aside for regular prayer gatherings. For some, that might be weekly. For others, it might be once per month. Utilize the principles you've learned and the relationships you've built at the campus to further a move of prayer in your local church. Use the many Revival Prayer Resources we make available to help strengthen what you learned at a campus.
Completing a Campus - When a campus completes all three College of Prayer courses there are several different options to consider. Often, a core group of local church leaders and regional intercessors develop out of a campus, and they can work together towards community and regional impact. God will often make churches involved in the College of Prayer "prayer pace-setters" in the region. Holding regular upper room prayer gatherings, nights of prayer, and fasting will most-likely become part of the new spiritual rhythms for your church. Also, because most truth takes time to develop and go deep, you might consider starting over and welcoming a new group of people into your campus.